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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Power Tools

My neighbor has every tool you ever need for any job; they're kept in pristine condition. I've been in his garage. Its like a museum. The sander has a shelf, the skill saw and the drill, like dead bodies on the sidewalk outlined in chalk, hang plumb to the floor. The irony is I have never seen him use them, but, I know he does. I've heard them at night behind the closed garage door. He doesn't talk about his projects, but I hear the screams of the tools and the clammer of the hammer. It makes me wonder . . .

Power Tools

cool electrical power

silent panthers - waiting

to tear in to

to slice a part

to div ide from

honed glistening metal

transient makos - stalking

to dev our greedily

to con sume eagerly

to des troy completely

piercing metallic screams

dervishes in the night - wailing

a requiem of destruction

tear ing,

slic ing,

div iding,

devourin g,

consumi ng,

destroy ing,

only to create a new.

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